The Relation of Dance with India… 

Dance is a performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. In India dance has been evolved through ages. From strictly ruling Bharatanatyam to street style hip hop, every dance form has been developed in the hearts of Indians. Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, by its repertoire of movements, or by its historical period or place of origin. 

 Origin of Dance… 

 Archeological evidence for early dance includes 9,000-year-old paintings in India at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka. India holds up the most influencing culture in the whole dance legacies. The ancient treatise on sculpture, the Silpashastra, offers a telling story about dance and art. The use of the hands, fingers and eyes are of primary importance. There are almost a thousand specific hand movements and signs (mudras). Often bells are worn around the ankles. Dance has traditionally been an important part of religion and culture in India. Every Indian wedding sangeet and celebration have dance as a major part of celebration in them. 

The Dance God of India…

 Nataraja (a depiction of Shiva) is the divine, cosmic dancer and a classic image in Indian art. He is often depicted in old bronze statues with four arms and one legged raised. One hand assumes the gesture of protection, one points to a raised foot, one hold the drum that keeps the beat of the rhythm of creation. The forth holds the fire of dissolution.

India and It’s Adoption… 

 India, in contrast with the past has adopted the western dance forms and is developing as the prime in it. India has adopted styles like the street rash of Hiphop, expressional layers of Contemporary, the groove of dance Salsa and many more. India has gone great guns in dance classes, churning out best talents for the world. India was, is and will always be the foremost in rendering the best of dance till the sun rises in the east.